Plas Dol y Moch Weather Data
Month / Year
May 2013
Days of precipitation
Total precipitation mm.
Maximum precipitation mm.
18.01 (9th)
Average temperature 0C
Maximum temperature 0C
23.9 (7th)
Minimum temperature 0C
0.3 (1st)
Average wind speed mph.
Maximum wind speed mph.
26 (24th)
Dominant wind direction
May was a very quiet month weather wise with low rainfall and no frosts. As I write (10th June) there has been no rain for two weeks and the water levels in local streams and rivers are very low. A kayak trip along the north and south coasts of the Lleyn Peninsula was rewarded with sightings of Bottle-Nosed Dolphins and large numbers of Razorbills,Guillemots and Kittiwakes nesting on the steep cliffs. Swarms of Garden Chafers can be seen flying over the grassy fields and lawns providing a tasty feast for the nesting birds feeding hungry chicks. Our Pied Flycatchers are doing well; all eight eggs hatched and the chicks look fine.Lots of newts have been found in the Dol y Moch slimy pond!