Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Out with the old and in with the New!

              Plas Dol y Moch Weather Data

Month / Year
December 2012
Days of precipitation
Total precipitation mm.
Maximum precipitation mm.
66 (22nd)
Average temperature 0C
Maximum temperature 0C
12.3 (23rd)
Minimum temperature 0C
-5 (13th)
Average wind speed mph.
Maximum wind speed mph.
29 (28th)
Dominant wind direction

Weatherwise December 2012 was a wash-out with only one dry day all month. On the 22nd we had over two and a half inches of rain, but there were also some cold snaps resulting in nine frosts, snow on the mountains and Llyn Mair ( Mary's Lake), completely frozen over. January 2013 began wet though we are now (13th) experiencing another cold spell. Birds definitely need our help at this time of the year, so keep those bird -feeders topped up. Birds visiting Faf's bird-feeders include Goldfinches and Siskins whereas on mine there are Nuthatches,Jays and a large Grey Squirrel!
At Porthmadog four Little Egrets are now regularly seen on the shore. I mentioned in my last blog to listen out for the 'tis wit' pre breeding call of the Great Tit; I heard my first of the year on the 5th January. Don't forget it's the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch on the 26th/27th of January. Help the birds by getting involved in this survey, it only takes an hour. Go online to find out. Moving on from birds to amphibia, keep a look out for the first appearance of frog spawn this year. My records show the following dates for previous first sightings of spawn:- 2010, Feb16th; 2011, Feb12th; 2012, Feb 13th.
Spawning is very much influenced by the prevailing weather conditions which need to be damp and relatively warm. In the garden Primroses are beginning to flower and Snowdrops are almost there.